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We have travel photos, souvenir collections, family reuinions, band info etc.

Family Photos 1970 -73

Jerry and Betty lived just around the corner. Jerry, Dave and I were all attending B.U. that year.

Mom and Dad's 25th Anniversary

Jerry and Betty's wedding was another big event.

A chilly reception line outside the Baldur United Church

When we visited the farm I often took my guitar. This is the SG I got from Tom Cornett in exchange for an older one. Sad to say that the "older one" would be a bit of a collector's item now.

We saw a lot of Donna and Dave while we lived on 19th. They lived just a few blocks away

Donna and Dave August at Jerry and Betty's Wedding.

Donna and Dave's Wedding Party.

Al, Ken, Gladys and Cliff Reshaur

Gerry & Dave August, Donna and Bev

One of many gatherings in our Douglas St. Apartment. Jerry August is seated to the right. We only had four chairs, so I'm perched on Jonah's highchair.